About Acupuncture and Other Services
Acupuncture is an ancient tradition, and uses small needles to stimulate the body's natural healing process. The endorphins released during treatment relax the body and regulate serotonin in the brain. These points are along the body's meridians. By tapping into the energy of the meridians, the body is able to restore balance and heal itself.
Cupping uses suction to draw the skin and superficial muscle layer into glass cups. Slidding cupping is where the cup slides across the area with suction, stimulating the movement of Qi. Cupping is very effective treatment for many conditions including cough, allergies and pain. Gua Sha stimulates blood stagnation. It helps with respiratory problems and musculoskeletal discomfort. It also helps to fortify the immune system. Moxibustion helps move stagnation in the superficial muscle layer or deeper in the internal organs. It is made from the leaves of the mugwort plant which the earth grows naturally to revive desolate areas. It can therefore be very effective in building up the body's defenses. Acupuncture treats:
Clodagh M. Read, Lic.Ac.
Classical Acupuncture m: (085) 1119060 e: [email protected] f: /clodaghreadacupuncture/ |
Clinic location:
Beech Tree Clinic East End House Poulavone Ballincollig, Cork |